As YOU know, if ever you've read things I've written, I 'see' the world as a POSSIBILITY.
Curiously, or not (law of attraction?), my last post was suggesting something that I thought could be a way to bring people toghether, to discuss those urgent matters of the community, each small town at a time.
That idea, that was struggling to come out for some time then, had found that door to go into the open as, when, joining The Difference Makers community, I came to know that that day (Midsummer - June 24) was to be celebrated as 'Self Esteem Day'.
How can one have Self Esteem if not from participating in the improvement of the world, human and other animals life? (I know that in some cases the figures in bank accounts do it... but I wonder if the Conscience is still asking questions in those cases!)
Now, I'm inviting you to come and join us on Interconnectedness Day 090909 (September 09, 2009).
I will participate in two different actions:
As a member of Leaders Cafe Foundation, I will deliever a Webinar on 'The Generation of Motives for Action - How to build a TEAM' and will be available for two free (as always) guided tours, to an old house and farm my family helds, which is part of Portugal's Historical and Cultural Patrimony.
And You?
What will you be available for?
Just visit the web page and offer your contribution (ideas only, no money is needed...)
If, before you go there you'd like to know what's behind that you can immediately read the VISION:
9 September 2009
The Vision
A deep sense of interconnectedness, or oneness, is at the core of decisions and actions that are life affirming and good for the whole. In other words, it will bring forth an environmentally sustainable, fulfilling and socially just human presence.
The omni present invisible field of electric and magnetic energy connects us all.
Energy follows thoughts and feelings. What we focus on is what we manifest and attract. These are the universal laws of manifestation and attraction.
Proven by quantum science.
By organising a global 24 hour event with a focus and concentration on celebrating interconnectedness, we manifest and attract more of what we want on a global scale: a greater sense of interconnectedness as a foundation for a world that works for all life.
A shift from separation to oneness, a shift from Illness toWEllness.
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